Boards & Committees

Keep Somers Beautiful

Somers Litter Task Force (SLTF) was developed in 2012 by Suzy Moravick, Past President, to help keep Somers, New York, litter-free, environmentally responsible and beautiful. This was to be accomplished by changing people’s behavior through awareness campaigns and education, and by implementing proven ways to beautify our community. She was later joined by Annie Gullen, President, Richard Nash, Vice President, Barbara Knothe, Legal Council, Jack Gullen, Treasurer and Peter McManus, Board Member. In 2014 the SLTF became a 501(c)(3) under the name of Citizens for the Beautification of Somers, Inc. Historically, the SLTF organizes, promotes and supplies safety equipment for volunteer litter removal from roads within Somers. The Task Force works closely with the Town Board, Police, Town and State Hwy Departments, organized clubs and the schools. In 2022 the SLTF became the first affiliate of Keep America Beautiful in Westchester County and started using the DBA, Keep Somers Beautiful.  If you are interested in joining our team, please contact us.

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Meeting Minutes & Agendas

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